We saw updates to border areas for the France and Italy DLCs, and SCS has announced more base map updates coming, most likely to Baltic DLC border areas, but we don't know what else they might have in store for us. Fortunately for us, they are already doing this. The best we can hope for is for SCS to slowly update the old map while they continue making more and more map DLC. And people most definitely will complain if SCS delays the Baltic DLC for this, just as they complained about ATS when SCS decided to rescale the map and delay New Mexico DLC. They absolutely will not release a base map update as DLC. It is just not possible for them to "wait on the Baltic" while fixing the base game map.
Nothing wrong with what you guys are saying, but SCS has to continue releasing DLC for financial reasons. Sooner or later they're going to have to reset it, might as well be now. It does seem a shame that the core of the map (and the entire map when you buy the basic game) is faded and will become more so as new content is added. Yes, there are some great drives in Norway, but even the best of France and Italy are where they join the original map. I'm partial to mountain roads, and until we expand to Asia and SA, the Alps are as good as it'll get. MY PERSONAL OPINION is that the "original ETS2 map" has the best terrain in ther game.
Best foot forward and all, it seems kind of lame to say "yeah, we realize that what you bought isn't so good, but just wait untill you buy the latest DLC, which is MUCH better, and no, what you bought first will still not look so good." The "original ETS2 map" is their core product, it's what you get when you buy the game. Originally posted by Sandhill:I'm inclined to agree with Leo3, with a couple of additional observations.